Individuals must be on the Master Signature List in order to sign against budget codes at University Service areas. The Finance Systems Manager is responsible for maintaining the Master Signature List for Old Dominion University. To add individuals to the Master Signature List, submit the Request to be Added to the Master Signature List form. The Budget Unit Director (BUD) for the budget (or an authorized BUD delegate) should approve the request.
Attach continuation sheets to add additional names to the signature list for the same budget. Continuation sheets must be submitted with the approval page.
If the person to be added to the Master Signature List is the Budget Unit Director, someone higher in the organizational structure must approve the request. Individuals may NOT sign the request form to approve themselves.
NOTE: Signature authority will only be granted to Old Dominion University employees.
A list of some areas that use the Master Signature List for authorization purposes is shown below.
Departments/Units Covered
Current users of the list include most service units that serve the Old Dominion University community:
- Accounts Payable
- Budget Office
- Bookstore
- Payroll
- Procurement Services
- Quick Copy
- Technology Store
- Telecommunications
- Work Management (Facilities Management)
Please send completed forms & questions to
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